NASA Reveals Photo Of Red-Hot Lava On Jupiter's Moon
Jupiter’s moon Io was seen in infrared light in a picture taken by NASA’s Juno spacecraft from 50,000 miles (80,000 kilometres) away. Flowing lava along with lava lakes can be seen as bright red patches in the image, which was captured on July 5 and released by the American space agency on Wednesday. Flowing lava along with lava lakes can be seen as bright red patches in the image. NASA had announced that its Juno mission is scheduled to obtain images of the Jovian moon Io on December 15 as part of its continuing exploration of Jupiter’s inner moons.”The team is really excited to have Juno’s extended mission include the study of Jupiter’s moons. With each close flyby, we have been able to obtain a wealth of new information,” said Juno Principal Investigator Scott Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, in a press release. He continued, “Juno sensors are designed to study Jupiter, but we’ve been thrilled at how well they can perform double duty by observing Jupiter’...